Minnesota Public Radio | American Public Media was in need of a campaign brand, a messaging platform, and campaign assets to be deployed across all platforms. The challenge was to develop a campaign brand that would be distinct from—yet harmonious with—the beloved, iconic brand of this leading public media organization.
Evology worked in partnership with MPR | APM to capture their essence and translate it into a campaign suite. Our aim was to deliver a full brand package to help them build financial sustainability and to elevate the profile they’ve earned on a regional and national level.
Nothing brings a media brand to life faster than a genuine connection with an audience.
MPR | APM is at one of the most important periods in its history. In addition to delivering programming to record numbers, they’re continually expanding program and content and moving onto new digital platforms. With a period of transformation, alongside continued change ahead, MPR | APM wanted to take the opportunity to create a full campaign brand and assets that resonated with their new audiences as well as their longtime listeners and supporters.
To create a truly persuasive brand, MPR | APM needed to be sure their followers understood how far they’ve come beyond their roots in broadcast radio, to define the excitement the future held, and to ensure that their programming could be experienced by all their audiences.
How could we tell that story in a way that elevates, rather than dilutes, what MPR | APM is? And how to tell it in a way that resonates with those who’ve known them for their longstanding place in classical music and news and to those who only know them through The Splendid Table or Marketplace?

MPR | APM has so gone so far beyond broadcast radio—and they needed to send the message that there’s still for much farther to go.

We wanted to drive home the scope of MPR | APM’s influence by bringing some of the vast talent together in one place.
To bring the brand the campaign to life and make it consistent across all MPR | APM programs, we went to the essence of how they worked. The goal was to remind members and audiences that they are the inspiration for all that the organization does.
Inspired by You. Within the brand we created a suite of assets that could be deployed across all platforms. This includes a brand identity and case materials, a website and a video that features just a handful of a legion of MPR | APM talent known around the country . . . and around the world.