Circadian Optics
Circadian Optics is led by a phenomenal entrepreneur. In just a few short years, they had taken the reins of the personal light space and had one of the most memorable winning appearances on Shark Tank. Their challenge to us was to create a video for their Amazon pages that would capture the spirit and beauty of the product and the science behind it. For Circadian Optics, the video would help fuel their amazing upward trajectory as they pushed aside convention in their competitive space.

Our charge: To explain, differentiate, and uplift.

Several rounds of concepting, storyboarding, and scripting preceded the shoot in our studio. The actors we engaged and hand-held camera reinforced the human side of the products. During production, in order to build the scientific story, we used animations and bold messaging over footage. Our strategy was to merge the filming with the messaging so that the two became inseparable as a single idea. We used light throughout, both as metaphor and as visual theme.

Light as metaphor is made for film. We needed to link the life-supporting nature of light to actual lights.
The video captures the human-centered purpose of the lights while bringing the science into the story. Illustrations and simple, compelling words bring the story forward throughout the video. At the same time, the close-ups of the actors and the simple activities they’re engaged in convey the power of the lights.
Finally, the great design of the lights—a quality that makes them a standout in the marketplace—are front and center, helping reassure potential buyers that the lights will be be a beautiful object in their homes that doesn’t need to be swept into the closet.